Related Topics of Inclusive Education

If a child consistently shows the following traits...
Delayed language acquisition.
Pronunciation problems.
Slow vocabulary growth.
Difficulty rhyming words.
Trouble learning numbers, alphabets.
Trouble learning days of the week, color, shapes.
Makes consistent reading and spelling errors including letter reversals ( b / d ), inversions ( m / w ), transpositions ( felt / left ), and substitutions ( house / home ).
Avoids reading aloud.
Difficulty with handwriting.
Improper tripod grip.
Avoids writing compositions or long answers.
Poor coordination.
Unaware of their extended environment.
Transposes number sequences.
Confuses arithmetic signs (+,-,x,/,=).
Get too much involved in detail.
Poor socialization skills.
Difficulty in comprehending word problems.
They have a difficulty putting their thoughts on paper, though they may be able to orally express them well.
May have difficulty recalling known words.
May have confusion in left right directionality.
Age in appropriate motor skills.
It may not be just stubbornness or laziness…. The child might be having a LEARNING DISABILITY
All typical children want to have friends and typical children acquire social skills “automatically”. If this does not happen, it is necessary to find out the real reason which could be family background or just his intrinsic nature. But if...
He has no friends at all
Does not play like other children
Social responses are not in keeping with age
Has difficulty maintaining social interactions
The child could have features of AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER
In a classroom, if a child consistently has…
Difficulty with sustained attention in tasks or play activities.
Apparent listening problems
Problems with organization
Avoidance or dislike of tasks that require mental effort
Tendency to lose things like toys, notebooks, or homework
Forgetfulness in daily activities
Fidgeting or squirming
Excessive running or climbing, always seeming to be "on the go"
Excessive talking
Blurting out answers before hearing the full question is disorganized, table is messy.
These could be signs of ADHD