Related Topics of ADHD

Accept That Your Child Is Different
Accept the fact that your child is more active and energetic than others, and possibly always will be. It may not be possible to eliminate the hyperactivity, but it may be possible to keep it under reasonable control. The child’s actions are not intentional. Be tolerant, patient and low-key to have the most success.
Provide Outlets for Excess Energy
Use daily outside activities such as running, sports and long walks to help your child burn off energy.
Keep Your Home Organized
Consistent routines help hyperactive children accept order. Make mealtimes, bedtimes and playtimes consistent. Predictable responses from you will help.
Avoid Fatigue
When hyperactive children are exhausted, they have less self-control and their hyperactivity increases.
Maintain Firm Discipline
Hyperactive children are unquestionably difficult to manage. They need careful, planned discipline, and rules must exist to avoid harm to them or anyone else. Aggressive behaviour should not be tolerated, but consistently negative comments are not helpful. Clear, consistent and important rules will help most. Also, make a point of telling the child the worthwhile and good things about him or her.
Use Non-Physical Punishment
Use a “time-out” place to back up the child’s attempts to break rules if a show of disapproval doesn’t work. The place can be the child’s bedroom. The child should be sent there to calm down and should be allowed out as soon as his or her behaviour has changed.
Stretch the Attention Span
Reward non-hyperactive behaviour, and give praise for colouring, listening to stories, and quietly playing with games and toys. Use toys and games that are safe and relatively unbreakable. Introduce new toys and activities gradually, trying to increase the child’s attention span over time.
Periodically, Get Away From It All
Take some time away to maintain your own health and sanity. Exposure to some hyperactive children can be exhausting.