Related Topics of AUTISM

Teachers, Here are some indicators that a student may have features of an autism spectrum disorder, a related disorder or a special learning need. If any of the behaviours listed below are observed, please refer the student for a professional evaluation, If you need help, talk to a special education teacher or the principal.
Remember to view each child objectively, thinking about observable actions. Do not decide that there is a “reason” that justifies behaviour that is not typical. Take action to find out what is really going on. All typical children want to have friends and typical children acquire social skills “automatically” as part of their development. These skills allow them to participate successfully as a member of the group. If a child does not acquire these skills automatically, we need to find out the real reason.
It is of the utmost importance to identify and support students in the autism spectrum and students with other special learning needs as early as possible. Do not allow children who may have special needs to go from one grade to another without a professional team assessing the student for eligibility for services and supports

“Waiting is NOT an effective, educational practice. Although the process of referral can be cumbersome, it is well worth it when it identifies needs that can be met during the educational life of the child or young adult.
The student has very few or no friends. He/ she is not included in activities outside of school
The student uses naive social initiations and responses, not in keeping with her age.
The student does not play with the other children as expected; he may not appear interested in their
games, or may not know how to join in. -
The student has difficulty managing social interactions in group settings.
The students does not seem to understand the effect his behaviour has on others.
The student appears to be egocentric, uncaring or self-absorbed (as judged by others)
The student’s interests seem restricted and repetitive.
The student chooses certain or activities to the exclusion of all others.
The child displays limited understanding of role- play and make- believe.
The student displays difficulty with unexpected changes in the environment, even when these
changes are explained to them in advance. -
The student may appear vulnerable and be targeted for bullying.
The student does not seem to have natural, conversational social reciprocity, particularly with other
children. He/ she -
The student does not seem to understand subtle, social cues such as time to end a conversation or
time for someone else to talk. -
The student tends to interact socially better with adults.
The student seems very bright, but socially inept.
The student has only a few favourite topics and seems to want to talk about the same ones most of
the time. These topics may change over the years. -
The student continues to make the same social mistakes over time, even though gaining skills in
other areas. -
The student does not seem to benefit from being “talked to” about social issues and social skills.
The student seems to want to be alone and “self-isolates”.
The student experiences fine and/or gross motor difficulties.
The student appears awkward and uncoordinated in a way different from same-aged peers.
The student seems very sensitive to environmental stimuli such as noise, temperature, or textures.
The student hears very selectively, sometimes appearing deaf.
The student seems surprisingly under-sensitive to a stimulus such as pain.