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Dysgraphia is a learning disability that affects handwriting and fine motor skills.
The child should be tested for dyslexia if he or she
Has a problem with spelling, word spacing, and the general ability to put thoughts on paper.
Goes through the process of writing laboriously slow, with a product that is often impossible to read.
When the act of forming letters requires so much effort that a child forgets what he wanted to say in the first place, it’s not surprising that children with dysgraphia often hate to write, and resist doing so.
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When a child encounters such classroom defeat frequently, especially in the early years of schooling, it doesn’t take long for academic discouragement to develop into a sense of inferiority that undermines all attempts to learn — and that often persists to adulthood if the dysgraphia is not caught and treated. This is just one reason why early evaluation and diagnosis is so critical — though a diagnosis can bring relief and progress at any age.
Symptoms of Dysgraphia
Dysgraphia is usually identified when a child learns to write, but it can remain hidden until adulthood, particularly in mild cases. Those with dysgraphia occasionally have trouble with other fine motor skills, like tying their shoes — but not always. Common indicators of dysgraphia, at any age, include:
Trouble forming letters or spacing words consistently
Awkward or painful grip on a pencil
Difficulty following a line or staying within margins
Trouble with sentence structure or following rules of grammar when writing, but not when speaking
Difficulty organizing or articulating thoughts on paper
Pronounced difference between spoken and written understanding of a topic