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Related Topics of Learning Disability 


Most people have challenges with learning and behaviour from time to time. During a child’s preschool years and throughout the school years, parents and educators should be on the alert for consistent and/or persistent patterns of difficulty that may signal an underlying learning disability (LD). While variations in the course of development are to be expected, unevenness or lags in the mastery of skills and behaviours, even in children as young as 4 or 5, should not be ignored. And because LD can co-occur with other disorders, it’s important to keep careful and complete records of observations and impressions.

Click here to download a checklist

These can be shared among parents, educators, and related service providers to help them make important decisions about services and supports.


This checklist is designed as a tool to understand potential signs of LDs, not to diagnose LDs. The more characteristics you check, the more likely the individual described is at risk for (or shows signs of) LDs.
When filling out this checklist, think about the person’s behaviour over at least the past six months. And when you’re done, if you have questions or concerns, seek assistance from school personnel or other professionals who can help determine whether a comprehensive evaluation is needed.

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