Related Topics of IEP
By the time it has been decided that a student requires an IEP, some or all of the following steps should have taken place
Systematic assessment and evaluation by the classroom teacher.
Consultation between the classroom teacher(s), the parents, and school-based colleagues.
Introduction of alternate strategies and evaluation of their effect.
Referral to the special education team for specialized assessments and consultation.
Once the student has been identified as having “special needs” a team should be formed to plan for the student's educational needs.
Depending upon the educational needs of an individual student- the IEP team should have:
The parents
The student- if he/she is old enough to understand
The special educator and coordinator in charge
The mainstream class teacher- subject teacher
School administrator
Therapists and counsellors
The IEP process is new to many people, and as such, it is a process that needs to be explained to parents. Parents should be encouraged to be actively involved in the process regarding educational services for their children. They provide a unique perspective about the student's personality, development and learning. Open communication and cooperation between home and school increases the opportunities for students with special needs to experience success.
The IEP guides the implementation of adaptations or modifications to a student's instructional program. It must be written in such a way that it can be understood by all current and future team members.
Remember that the IEP in most cases is not the student's entire school program. The IEP outlines key areas that require adaptation or modification to the school program.
In most cases 3-4 goals in an IEP is enough work for the student and the IEP team to realistically accomplish before the IEP review dates.
The IEP is a working document and must be linked to ongoing instructional planning to be effective. The student with special needs should be seen first as a student in the class, and should not be defined exclusively by those special needs. The implementation of the IEP is putting into practice the plans, strategies and supports agreed upon by the team members. Documenting the progress is the most important step.
At the IEP review meeting, the team comes together to discuss the progress the student has made towards the IEP goals and to celebrate the student accomplishments. Making the IEP review consistent with a regular reporting period may be the most time efficient manner. In some cases, students will require an IEP review more often. Reviewing the IEP every 8-10 weeks can support student motivation and offers the IEP team more opportunity to monitor the student's goals and provide a special time to celebrate success.
Reports for students with special needs should describe progress with respect to all components of the program, including those areas that have been adapted and/or modified. When a student is expected to achieve or surpass the regular curriculum learning outcomes, the same grading and reporting should be followed as with other students. When the student requires substantial course or program modification, the use of letter grades or percentages to report student progress is not appropriate. Letter grades that reflect the goals in the IEP are appropriate, if it is clear that the program is modified. Structured written comments are very helpful to report the level of student success in achieving the individual goals and objectives set out for him or her.