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Related Topics of Gifted Children


Gifted children may be put in to a variety of different educational settings once they are in school.

  • In some cases, gifted children participate in regular classes with peers their own age.

  • An alternative to full-time schooling in the regular classroom could be the “pull-out” gifted program, in which gifted students leave the class for several hours a week to join a special group for advanced instruction.

  • Both of those options have benefits and challenges associated with them.

  • Keeping gifted children in regular classes may be useful in terms of their social development and/or may be necessary because of school resources. However, gifted children generally cover course materials faster than their classmates. As a result, they may become bored and develop a negative attitude toward school if they are not adequately challenged.

  • Underachievement in school is a common result for such students. In addition, some gifted children may feel compelled to hide their talents in order to fit in socially with their peers.

  • Pull-out programs may be beneficial in terms of offering gifted

       students special instruction directed at their level of ability.

  • However, a gifted student who leaves class for       several hours each week may feel self-conscious or not accepted. Pull-out programs can also make the pupils who don’t leave feel bad, as well.

  • Other types of programs may be used in different settings. For example, in multi-age

  • classrooms, gifted students may be able to work more independently or in small groups with other students with similar ability levels.

  • The type of programs available for gifted students can vary significantly depending on the

  • school they are attending and the resources available. Ideally, parents and school staff will work together to choose an educational setting that is right for each child.

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